On June 12, 2005 at Stanford University, Steve Jobs, gave a graduation speech. When I saw the video, I was impressed by the humility with which he spoke. In it he spoke of three stories of his life.
In the first, she said that she was adopted and that in the middle of the adoption process, her biological mother demanded that, since she had no studies, the adoptive parents did. Finally Jobs's adoptive parents did not have them, but promised to take him to college when the time came.
Years passed and Steve enrolled in the University of Reed, but left and began to attend courses that seemed interesting and attended a course in calligraphy. But not everything was rosy, it was a complicated moment in his life.
Many years later when they designed the first Macintosh computer, pretty fonts were their essence and that is where Steve Jobs applied the knowledge he had acquired in the course of calligraphy of the University. And that's why he talked about some points and connecting them together looking at the past, trusting that those points, in some way, will connect in the future.
In the second story, he tells how they threw him out of Apple, but still he still loved what he was doing, and entered into one of the most creative stages of his life. He created a company called NeXT and another company called Pixar. Later, Apple bought NeXT and Jobs returned to Apple.
In the third story he talks about death. When he was about 17 years old, he read a quote that said something like "if you live every day as if it were the last, it is very likely that one day you will do the right thing". As a result of reading this, over the years, every morning he wondered that if today were the last day of his life, he would want to do what he is about to do. And every time the answer was "no" for several days in a row, I knew I had to change something.
With all this I want to tell you that I have learned that we have to enjoy the present, living it to the fullest as if it were our last day, doing what we love doing.
Find what you love to do, and if you have not yet found it, you have to keep looking. I'm still doing it ...
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